
《星球大战:指挥官》是由迪士尼互动工作室打造的一款星球大战题材策略游戏,游戏以银河战争为背景,可以由你自己选择战队:Rebellion或Empire。你需要建立自己的堡垒并对它们进行加固升级,当你的防御能力提升了,便可以发起对敌方阵营的攻击。另外,你还可以召唤特殊角色前来坐镇,比如Empire阵营中的AT-AT和Tie Fighters,Rebellion阵营中的Leia公主和Han Solo,这些角色各有自己的特别技能,攻击力也十分强大。当你取得了阶段性胜利,你还可以穿行电影《星球大战》中的经典场景,并完成一些特殊任务。
版本2.0.2 中的新功能2014年08月12日 发布
Check out these new features:
• Chapter 8 missions now unlocked for both the Empire and the Rebellion!
• New building tier unlocked: Level 7 Headquarters along with matching buildings
• Be on the lookout for the time-limited campaign, The Dandoran Conflict, and unlock units exclusive to this campaign!
• Play and sync your game across devices using Game Center!
• We’ve also added bug fixes and performance enhancements to make your experience smoother than before.
Build up your Rebel or Imperial army with new units!
New Rebel Units:
• Rebel Sharpshooter: Deal extreme damage to enemy forces with these elite Rebel soldiers!
• Hailfire Droid: Unleash these rapid-fire droids, and use them to destroy Imperial vehicles!
• Vanguard: Unlock the Vanguard when you play The Dandoran Conflict. Once you do, use it to crush walls like a wrecking ball!
New Empire Units:
• Sniper Trooper: Prep your army for long range combat with these stealthy troopers!
• Mobile Heavy Cannon: Employ these powerful, massive cannons to take down enemy vehicles!
• Shocktrooper: Unlock the Shocktrooper when you play The Dandoran Conflict, and use them to blast through gaping holes in your enemy’s base!
• Chapter 8 missions now unlocked for both the Empire and the Rebellion!
• New building tier unlocked: Level 7 Headquarters along with matching buildings
• Be on the lookout for the time-limited campaign, The Dandoran Conflict, and unlock units exclusive to this campaign!
• Play and sync your game across devices using Game Center!
• We’ve also added bug fixes and performance enhancements to make your experience smoother than before.
Build up your Rebel or Imperial army with new units!
New Rebel Units:
• Rebel Sharpshooter: Deal extreme damage to enemy forces with these elite Rebel soldiers!
• Hailfire Droid: Unleash these rapid-fire droids, and use them to destroy Imperial vehicles!
• Vanguard: Unlock the Vanguard when you play The Dandoran Conflict. Once you do, use it to crush walls like a wrecking ball!
New Empire Units:
• Sniper Trooper: Prep your army for long range combat with these stealthy troopers!
• Mobile Heavy Cannon: Employ these powerful, massive cannons to take down enemy vehicles!
• Shocktrooper: Unlock the Shocktrooper when you play The Dandoran Conflict, and use them to blast through gaping holes in your enemy’s base!